SourceHidden 2Hidden 3Email HeaderThank you for taking the time to complete the quiz.Your individual report is compiled in the PDF attached. Email FooterIf you'd like to hear what other people have to say about working with me you can read testimonials here.If you'd like a taste of my work for yourself come and join me on the first Monday of the month in my FREE Webinar and Q&A session. 6:45-7:30pm (UK Time) on the first Monday of every month. You can register for that here then come and join me on zoom. Best to you Judith QLiberate Your Voice to Liberate Your Life yourwholevoice.comPS - If you'd like to get regular updates, offers and insights, sign up to my Monthly Missive newsletter hereSpeaking ConfidenceAvailable values for Topic 1Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. How confident are you to speak in front of others and both be seen and heard?*I’d rather never be the one speaking.If I have to do it, I can, but I don’t like it.Mostly OK but some situations or people intimidate me.Give me the spotlight!This field is required.Speaking ChallengesAvailable values for Topic 2Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. What speaking challenge do you most want to improve?*People don't seem to hear, or understand, me when I speak - I often find I have to repeat myself.Saying ‘No’, asking for what I'd like, want or need, and having challenging conversations.Speaking about myself confidently and positively. Also sharing my thoughts / ideas / opinions or what I believe in with peers and/or 'superiors'.Showing vulnerability, asking for help or support, and/or being able to have more patience with others.This field is required.Communication StyleAvailable values for Topic 3Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. What most annoys you in communication?*That I'm often ignored, or not asked to contribute - I don’t get a chance to speak.When people cut me off or cut across me when I try to speak.When I feel I can’t clearly get my thoughts and ideas across to others.People taking ages to get to the point, or not being clear on what they want.This field is required.Body ReactionsAvailable values for Topic 4Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. When you are about to speak in public, raise your hand, raise your voice. or speak up for yourself how does your body react?*Heart pounds, throat goes tight, hands/body shake, brain races or goes blank, feel sick, get sweaty - the whole lot.I get several of the symptoms from choice A - it’s pretty uncomfortable.I get a few of the symptoms from choice A and I try to manage them.I don't feel nervous - but if I'm honest - sometimes there's a kind of tension. This field is required.People PleasingAvailable values for Topic 5Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. How often do you put other people's needs, comfort, or priorities ahead of your own?*I'll usually do whatever's easiest so that I can blend in and not make waves. I always put others first - it's the right thing to do. If I'm honest it also helps me feel useful.I like helping others, it makes me feel good - but I try not to compromise my health or values.I put my focus first. When I am sorted then I can better help others. This field is required.Saying No / Setting BoundariesAvailable values for Topic 6Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. How comfortable are you with saying “No.” to other's requests?*I don’t like saying no, it makes you stand out as difficult. I don’t want to hurt, offend or let people down. I often end up doing more than I have the capacity for and feel overwhelmed with the demands made of me. I try to set boundaries but it’s harder with some people or situations. This means I end up doing things I'd rather not, more often than I'd like. I'm very good at saying 'No' and setting boundaries.This field is required.PerfectionismAvailable values for Topic 7Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. How would you feel if you said something wrong, or made a mistake, and someone picked up on it?*I hate getting things wrong and usually don't speak up, or stick to situations where, or people with whom, I feel safe. I’d be embarrassed, feel foolish for trying, and probably be put off expressing myself in that situation again.I don’t like it - but I also try to learn from it.No-one's perfect. If I get something wrong I'll take it and move on. This field is required.ValidationAvailable values for Topic 8Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. How appreciated do you feel in your world?*I generally feel unacknowledged, unseen, underappreciated, sometimes invisible, it’s exhausting.I don’t think people understand how much I do, or am there, for them. It's tiring feeling taken for granted.People do acknowledge me, but I usually feel I could do (or be) better.I like being appreciated, but I measure myself more by the results I get.This field is required.Perception (Others)Available values for Topic 9Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. How would people be most likely to describe you? (Even if it’s not completely true or you don’t like it.) *Quiet, shy, diligent.Kind, thoughtful, caring.Reliable, honest, work too hard/much.Strong, independent (and if I’m honest - some people might say intimidating.)This field is required.Perception (Self)Available values for Topic 10Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. What would you hate most?*Feeling/being thought of as uncaring.Feeling/being thought of as arrogant.Feeling like / being thought of as a silly, ignorant or stupid.Feeling vulnerable / being thought of as weak.This field is required.SegmentationHow spiritual would you say you are? (This helps me know what I offer that may or may not be right for you. If you are religious - are you more answer 2 or 3 in relation to your spirituality?)*Not at all - I'm practical. I think there’s something ‘more’ and am curious/intrigued to learn more, but unsure of the term ‘spiritual’ or that ‘world’.I’m open-minded, am in to practices like mindfulness, meditation, energy work etc.I’m happily and fully ‘Woo’ - come join my coven.This field is required.What is your favourite way to learn?*At my own pace on my own.In a group with live support.1-2-1 over a longer period of time.1-2-1 deep-dive over a short period of time for full immersion.This field is required.How ‘done’ are you with your current situation?*I’m OK - just starting to see if there might be other options.I'm tired of things being like this - but it feels scary to try something new, what if it doesn’t work? I’m exhausted and I know I need to make a change - I’m trying to figure out what that might be.I’m done. Fed up. Over it. I'm ready to take the next step and am actively looking for the right person. This field is required.Final Details*I will take you straight to an overview of your answers on the next click - I also have a full report for you. Please give your name and email so I can send that to you... Your score... Your key areas of improvement Quick suggestions to improve each key areaYour personalised report will be emailed to you along with relevant tips supporting your score. Don't worry, you are NOT being added to an email list. View our Privacy Policy * * This field is required.Identify the lowest topic numberDo not edit me. Showing the {N} lowest Key Areas of Improvement LOWEST(N) ~> LOWEST(2) HIGHEST(N) ~> HIGHEST(2) AND Check to is Total number of Highest / Lowest keys wanted to show on Appearance tab OR: use MIN / MAX and check to is Identify the lowest topic number on Appearance tab Topic 1 GapDo not edit me. Topic 2 GapDo not edit me.Topic 3 GapDo not edit me.Topic 4 GapDo not edit me. Topic 5 GapDo not edit me.Topic 6 GapDo not edit me.Topic 7 GapDo not edit me. Topic 8 GapDo not edit me. Topic 9 GapDo not edit me.Topic 10 GapDo not edit me.Topic 1 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me Topic 2 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me.Topic 3 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me.Topic 4 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me Topic 5 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me.Topic 6 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me.Topic 7 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me Topic 8 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me Topic 9 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me.Topic 10 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me.General Feedback text for Overall score of 0-33%I see you.From your self-identified score, it appears you are struggling to be seen and heard. You might well be frustrated with most areas addressed in this quiz and could really use some help to come out of hiding. Let me offer that.General Feedback text for Overall score of 34-66%It’s time to put yourself first sometimes.From your self-identified score, it’s clear that you put others' needs ahead of your own., I expect you are feeling stuck, under-appreciated and tired of not having your needs being taken into consideration from time to time. Are you ready to do something for YOU?General Feedback text for Overall score of 67-100%Others believe in you - it’s time to start truly believing in yourself.From your self-identified score, I wouldn’t be surprised if people on the outside of your life think that you're doing great and have things 'sorted’ … but that's not how you feel. You feel that ‘something’s missing (maybe quite a lot) and what if people see that you're just not quite good enough? Let me show you a different way to see yourself.General Feedback text for Overall score of 67-100%From your self-identified score, it appears you are ready to move forward to the next step, you're just looking for the right thing and right person to do it with. I'm going to guess there are parts of your life that you are 100% confident in – but there must be something that you’re looking for or you wouldn’t have done this quiz. Tell me; how I can help you?Topic 1 Key Area of ImprovementSpeaking ConfidenceNot everyone is confident in every situation. I invite you to trust me when I say that when it comes to speaking or expressing yourself every single person has situations, people. or places that they'd rather avoid. Including me. (I just use all the tools and techniques I teach!)Here's a little secret ... There is no such thing as a fear of speaking!!! Because it’s not the speaking you’re afraid of. What people are actually afraid of in ANY speaking situation is 3 things:1) Being negatively judged. It's a survival instinct - we want to belong.TIP: Remember - people judge positively too - you judged me or my website positively enough to spend time doing this quiz. Not EVERYONE has to like or agree with you - and give those who do the honour of your time, space, thoughts, and words.2) The unknown. Stop focusing on what MIGHT go wrong…'I might get it wrong' 'They might hate me' 'They might laugh at me' 'They might get bored' .... etc.TIP: Focus on what you CAN do and what you DO know - get specific about the information you're sharing and how it might have a positive impact. If something comes up that you don’t know, say: "I don’t know that - I'll go and find out."3) Being seen. You don’t want to put yourself ‘in the spotlight.’TIP: Focus on how the outcome of whatever you have to say will be of benefit. Make that more important than your fear of being seen, THEN: Sit or stand up straight - allow yourself to take up space - this helps you feel more confident and it also sends a message to both to the room and to your brain that you deserve to be there. (the biggest problem is always the thoughts in your head!)FINAL TIP:Breathe - slowly - out through your mouth & in through your nose. When you slow your breath, you reduce your heart rate, which reduces the amount of adrenaline going to your brain. This allows you to think more clearly and therefore speak more clearly (again your thoughts are the #1 problem with confidence.)Topic 2 Key Area of ImprovementSpeaking ChallengesThere are several elements that impact speaking challenges. Even if you have specific physiological challenges the #1 problem is your BRAIN. (Your mindset, your hard-wiring, your thoughts and feelings, your structures and patterns.)Your voice is a reflection of every experience you've ever had, witnessed, or imagined, It's also a reflection of the thoughts & feelings you have about the people you're with and/or situation you're in. MOST OF ALL ..... Your voice is a reflection of how you feel about YOURSELF. This is what makes me and my work different to most vocal coaches - YES - I have tools, tips & techniques from my classical drama-school training for the practical things like Pace, Pitch, Posture & Projection (see a couple below) but until you work on what's going on in your head - those 4 Ps will only take you so far down the road. But if you want some of them to start implementing:TIPS:1) Do mindset work - You deserve to take up time and space as much as the next person. Share your ideas - your ideas are not you ... if your idea gets a 'No.' it is not you being rejected. Speaking about yourself with confidence and saying that you're good at what you do, or that you charge £1000 for an hour is NOT arrogance (saying you're better than everyone else in the room is ... unless you really are - then own it!) 2) Projection - Is not just volume! If you are projecting 'I don't know' or 'I don't deserve to be here' you'll have no volume projection - so see tip #1. For more VOLUME tip #1: Open your mouth wider when you speak - this gives your voice a bigger amplifier it also makes you ARTICULATE better tip #2 Articulate better - Hit all your consonants and your voice will have more clarity.3) Pace - Slow down. To do this ... BREATHE... slowly - out through your mouth & in through your nose. Decrease the stress (from not implementing Tip#1 in quite the right way yet) - and let your brain catch up. Topic 3 Key Area of ImprovementCommunication StyleThe biggest challenges with communication come from misunderstanding each other's communication style, needs and preferences.One of the key tenets I work with is “It’s not personal - it’s structural” and that can be seen most clearly here.If you are intimidated by people who are blunt, direct, maybe quick and/or loud then please know - they don’t hate you - they just want to get things done and they think and communicate differently to you.If you get impatient with people who don’t say what they want, or take ages to make a choice – they’re not doing it to annoy you – they’re taking their time to try and get it right – or even trying please you (although it backfires and frustrates you!)TIPS:If people don’t give you a chance to speak - they probably haven’t noticed and I know you might find it hard - but if you ask (directly and without apology) for your time to speak you may well find yourself pleasantly surprised.If people cut you off or cut across you when you do speak - again those who do it are probably unaware of how it hurts you when that happens. Next time it happens, a quick “Ah - ‘Simon’ (or whatever they are called) if I could finish my train of thought…” (I have other methods for this too ..)If you feel you can’t get your thoughts and ideas across clearly to others - ask “does this make sense to you?” or “is this clear?” … If it’s obviously not clear, allow yourself a bit more time - and ask for that time “If I could have a moment to formulate this thought clearly… What I think/feel/etc … is….”Topic 4 Key Area of ImprovementBody ReactionsThe physical symptoms you get are a primeval reaction to ‘not fitting in’ - it's your fight/flight/freeze response kicking in. There are several exercises I offer for this - they are all in my online and in person vocal confidence courses - but here are three key tools for you - you might recognise at least one of them:1) Breathe.I repeat this a lot but breath is the #1 tool to manage nerves. Slow down that heart rate and reduce the adrenaline. Out through your mouth & in through your nose - to enhance that inhalation - imagine your favourite smell - see - it works!2) Shake.If you suffer from shaking hands, jittery legs, or any other shakes - don’t try to force your body to be still - instead - shake that part of your body (or your whole body) … give it a good shake to transmute that kinetic nervous energy and release it rather than hold it.3) Sit/Stand Tall.When you shrink or look down you are sending a message to your subconscious self and to others that you are a victim to the situation. If you allow yourself to take up space it sends a message to your brain that you have nothing to hide from or fear. Combine this with the breath and feel your rib cage expand too - it will help slow your breath even more and allow you to feel more grounded.Topic 5 Key Area of ImprovementPeople PleasingBeing kind, and good, and helping others in life are all great qualities - but always putting everyone else’s needs above and beyond your own very often leads to an overwhelmed and unhappy you. This area is very closely linked to the Saying ‘No’/Setting Boundaries question - as they tend to go hand-in-hand.There are a couple of phrases that get trotted out a lot in the coaching world - but you may not have heard these and they are useful to help change your perspective around asking for what YOU want and need in life.TIPS:1) Treat life like an incident on a plane when the masks drop: “Put your own mask on first.” …If you’ve not got yourself in a good and safe place in life you won’t be able to help others as effectively. If you are (metaphorically) gasping for air then all your attempts to help others are going to fall short at some point because you will collapse - and then become a burden to those people you’re trying to help.2) “You can’t pour from an empty vessel.” - If you are giving all your energy to others you will end up emptying yourself and be no good to anyone. Perversely, again you will become the burden to others when you’ve been trying to help.Too much people-pleasing behaviour will end up with you in overwhelm and burn-out unless you start putting yourself first sometimes. Perhaps it's always been easier to put others first because you don't know what you want, or were brought up with "I want doesn't get" - I know someone who wrote a good book with exercises that can help you with that! (yes, that’s me!)Find “Stop ‘Shoulding. Start Wanting.’ here (Or US Delivery here)Topic 6 Key Area of ImprovementSaying No / Setting BoundariesThis is the sibling to the question about making other people’s lives easier- and if you have received both of these in your Tools & Techniques feedback then I invite you to take a look at your people-pleasing behaviours and ask yourself - what are you trying to get from others by doing this? No matter how much you do everything for everyone - they’ll just accept it because you always do it and never complain.If you have complained - have you done so in a structured and clear way, stating your capacity and suggesting an alternative option? Or was it done from all the emotions you’ve been feeling? A surplus of emotions is only to be expected when you can’t say ‘No.’ because you will have overloaded yourself too often and are probably at breaking point …. If you’ve not got there yet - GOOD - NOW is the time to start changing your patterns.TIPSHere are a couple of ways to say ‘No.’ and set boundaries without feeling like you’re evil! …I have more but these are the simplest.1) I can do that for you, if you can do ‘x’ for me2) I’ve got a full load at the moment, when do you need that by? (So often we assume other people’s priorities are always URGENT but often you’ll be surprised.)3) If you can find someone to do ‘x’ then I can do that for you by ‘y’Topic 7 Key Area of ImprovementPerfectionismThis is often related to people-pleasing traits - but not always. It is related to our fear of judgement and need to fit in to our place in the ‘tribe’ (the #1 fear of all.)Having standards is good.Having exacting expectations of yourself (and others) can be a hiding to nothing.Getting something wrong is not the end of the world (unless you’re an anaesthetist or surgeon maybe!)You do not have to get everything ‘right’ or ‘perfect’ for people to acknowledge, appreciate, or respect you.1) If you share an idea and it is rejected it is not YOU being rejected - just the idea. Detach yourself from the idea - and set it up with “This is just an idea” or “Have we ever tried ‘x’”2) Try admitting when you don’t know something - it’s liberating! “I don’t know - that’s never come up before, let me look into it.”3) If you do get something wrong, admit it, own it and ask (either to yourself or others) - “How can I fix this?” You do not have to know it all.You do not have to never lose, fail, or fall down.And in the words of a mug my mum had back in the 80’s -remember this …“Pobody’s Nerfect.”Topic 8 Key Area of ImprovementValidationSometimes all we want is some acknowledgement from others – and if we feel we never receive it, or aren’t receiving enough, that can be draining - especially if there’s no reward in any other way.A couple of tips for you:Start looking at who DOES support you, acknowledge when and where you do feel validated - and see what is different to the situations where you don’t.Give putting yourself first a go. Are you spending too much time focused on what others might think of you, and not enough time on doing or creating what you would love and would feel good, right, and true for YOU? Go for how you'd love to feel. These challenges may also be connected to communication styles - This is because we all give and receive validation in different ways.Are you someone who needs words of affirmation, but what you get in return is a gift? Perhaps you need physical touch (a hug for example) and what you’re getting is someone spending their lunch break with you - their language is quality time but you don’t notice it because you don’t know how busy they are?Or maybe you need an act of service (a cup of coffee made for you) and you get a ‘thank you - I appreciate it’ because that person is a ‘words of affirmation’ person?I invite you to start looking for what you might be missing - are people appreciating you in their language - but you miss it because it’s not yours? (When I started doing this SO much changed in my world!)Sometimes we don't get what we want because we're doing what we feel we 'should' - I know someone who wrote a good book with exercises that can help you with that! (yes, that’s me!)Find “Stop ‘Shoulding. Start Wanting.’ here (Or US Delivery here)Topic 9 Key Area of ImprovementPerception (Others)How others see us is not always how we see ourselves. For example there were moments where I thought I was being open and friendly, to be told that I was found intimidating. So how other people see us might not be 'true' .... but it's always useful because the more we are aware of how we come across, the more we are able to adapt our behaviours to create more of the results we want. How does this relate to confidence and speaking?When we have more self-awareness about how we seem to others in a variety of situations, the more we can change our structures if we're not having the impact we expect or desire sometimes.It's also REALLY useful to know because how others see us tend to become the lables and identity that we are given as we grow up - which we then take on and assume or become - the role we play if you like. HOWEVER - we don't have to keep these lables if we don't want to - especially if they are impacting our confidence mindset. TIPTake note of the POSITIVE perception of others - especially if you tend not to speak about yourself positively.Embrace the qualities you posess - acknoweldge what you bring to others or in to a situation. Topic 10 Key Area of ImprovementPerception (Self)Self-perception can be challenging. The things we fear (appearing rude/uncaring/arrogant/a failure/weak etc) often tend to be something that actually - if we were really honest with ourselves - we'd love to embrace once in a while. The challenge is that we live in fear of how people might react - but how great would it be to simply be rude and not care, to show our weakness and be looked after, to tell someone to stop and let you speak! Here is another way to look at it:1) If you fear being seen as uncaring - it's because you care so much. Trust it won't happen. (Boudaries will help you)2) If you fear being seen as arrogant - confidence is NOT arrogance - let yourself speak yourself up more.3) If you fear failure - who's judgment of failing are you fearing? Also - do you fear failure - or are you not going for it because it would be too scary to succeed?4) Showing your vulnerability can be the strongest thing you can do - when I started asking for help it was like miracles could happen.Call to Action 1It’s exactly for people like you that I created my online courses – so that you don't even have to put yourself in front of me yet, let alone in to the spotlight of others' eyes. I invite you to take each small step at your own pace. You don't even have to buy a course as that first step - I have a 15 minute FREE sample course that you can do to get an idea of how I work.I want to give you the time and space to consider your options and build trust in the tools and techniques I share before you take a next move. Here are some free ways to do that:To see my free Vocal Confidence videos click here (if you might be interested in the Sonic Meditation/Sound Healing element of my work there's a free sample for that here too) Download my FREE top tips for vocal confidence sheet. If you'd like to ask me questions directly - feel free to join my FREE Ask Me Anything Judith Q & A Session on the 1st Monday of every month. Find out more hereCall to Action 2I know from experience that it’s challenging for my kind-hearted people-pleasing clients to make time for themselves. That’s partly why I created my online courses – so that you can take each small step at your own pace.But because your time is precious - I want to give you something short and simple so that you can explore a bit more of my work first, without feeling like you have to commit to yet another thing.I have a FREE 15 minute sample online course that you can do to get an idea of how I work. To watch these short videos and get some more free tools, tips & techniques click here (if you might be interested in the Sonic Meditation/Sound Healing element of my work there's a free sample for that there too)If you like it you might consider the first step of the courses which is Sound Foundations. at only £22 - but please do try before you buy. I also invite you to download my FREE top tips for vocal confidence sheet. If you'd like to ask me questions directly - you can either book a free connection call with me, or feel free to join my FREE Ask Me Anything Judith Q & A's Session on the 1st Monday of every month. Find out more hereCall to Action 3I don’t want you to spend any more time feeling alone and unsupported in your vocal confidence challenges, so, I'd like to give you two options, depending on how ready you're feeling to tackle this (I'm aware that everyone's time and/or money budget doesn't always allow an immediate dive in.)Option 1) If you want to find out more about how I work, I invite you to download my FREE top tips for vocal confidence sheet and to take my FREE 15 minute sample online course to get an idea of how I work. To watch these short videos and get some more free tools, tips & techniques click here (if you might be interested in the Sonic Meditation/Sound Healing element of my work there's a free sample for that there too)If you like the sample course, then you might consider the first step of the courses which is Sound Foundations. at only £22 - but please do try before you buy. Option 2)If you're already feeling like it's a probable 'yes' but you need reassurance that I'm right for you, then let’s connect. I invite you to book a confirmation call with me s o that we can see if we’re a match. This is not a ‘heavy sales’ call - it's where we can explore which of my offerings might be a right first step for you and if I am right for you, fabulous! If it turns out we're not a fit then you can move on to find the one who is or I might even know someone to recommend.This is where having my support can make the difference - you're not having to be 'the responsible one' doing yet another thing on your own yet again. It's OK to have support - it's good - and it's what I'm here for, let me take some of the burden and help you liberate your voice to liberate and lighten your life.Call to Action 4As a 'performer' it’s highly likely you’ve already decided whether or not you like my style from the answers I’ve given to your quiz and the video (if you watched it.)I expect you're the kind of person who likes to do your own research and make an informed decision in your own time, and without faffing about - once you know, you know. I know that if you’re interested in me you will do your research in your way, or maybe you’ve already done that and this quiz was the final step to see if I’d ‘get you right’.If you have already decided that I am for you, so that you can make that informed decision as to what your next step will be, I'd like to invite you to book a confirmation call, to ask me your questions and find out what I have to offer that might be the right next step for you.However, if you would like to explore a bit more, then please feel free to visit my website, or explore my LinkedIn or Instagram; alternatively, I invite you to check out my FREE sample online courses which will give you an idea of my energy, approach and exercises.Access my 15 minute free sample online course here - if you then decide that I'm a Yes for you - use the link to book your confirmation call. I look forward to speaking wtih you. Topic 1 Detailed Text for 0-33%dTopic 1 Detailed Text for 34-66%dTopic 1 Detailed Text for 67-100%dTopic 2 Detailed Text for 0-33%Topic 2 Detailed Text for 34-66%Topic 2 Detailed Text for 67-100%Topic 3 Detailed Text for 0-33%Topic 3 Detailed Text for 34-66%Topic 3 Detailed Text for 67-100%Topic 4 Detailed Text for 0-33%dTopic 4 Detailed Text for 34-66%dTopic 4 Detailed Text for 67-100%dTopic 5 Detailed Text for 0-33%Topic 5 Detailed Text for 34-66%Topic 5 Detailed Text for 67-100%Topic 6 Detailed Text for 0-33%Topic 6 Detailed Text for 34-66%Topic 6 Detailed Text for 67-100%Topic 7 Detailed Text for 0-33%dTopic 7 Detailed Text for 34-66%dTopic 7 Detailed Text for 67-100%dTopic 8 Detailed Text for 0-33%dTopic 8 Detailed Text for 34-66%dTopic 8 Detailed Text for 67-100%dTopic 9 Detailed Text for 0-33%Topic 9 Detailed Text for 34-66%Topic 9 Detailed Text for 67-100%Topic 10 Detailed Text for 0-33%Topic 10 Detailed Text for 34-66%Topic 10 Detailed Text for 67-100%Topic 1 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic. Topic 2 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic.Topic 3 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic.Topic 4 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic. Topic 5 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic.Topic 6 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic.Topic 7 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic. Topic 8 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic. Topic 9 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic.Topic 10 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic.TestimonialsTestimonial 1“What does Judith do? She transform lives. You’ll leave your time with her as the person you’ve always wanted to be. Just like that. And in a way that has you forget you were ever any different. Life will be so much easier.The burden of what was holding you back without you even knowing it was there will be gone. So you’ll feel lighter, free and happier.”C.Kilm – Finance and Change ConsultantTestimonial 2“For almost a year I had been avoiding what I felt was an awkward conversation with a large corporate customer, I didn’t want to rock the boat. I wasn’t standing up for myself and put up with a lot of sh*t from someone I perceived as a bully who had power. I worked with the amazing Judith Quin, I had the awkward conversation, I asked for what I wanted. Not only was it effortless (thanks to Judith), the bully no longer holds any power over me. I also secured an annual support and maintenance contract worth £80k. Stress, anxiety, and financial security sorted in one phone call!”Kevin Treweek – I.T. SolutionsOverall Total NumberAdd in ALL questions below. This will simply add up all questions and give a total number of points for all. Overall Current PercentageCreation note: Change "40" to the number of total points available in this quiz. E.g. Total of 6 questions is 4x6 = "24". Total of 8 questions is 4x8 = "32". etc All topics have 100% scored - MessageDont change Label Final score is LowDo not edit me. Final score is MediumDo not edit me. Final score is HighDo not edit me. Key Area(s) of Improvement Title